Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crucible Post 2

     To be willing to deny what you believe in or lie to protect yourself is a hard decision. Ideally what you should do is stand up for your beliefs and not let what anyone else says phase you. But often that is not what people do. Many people in life are cruel. Your first instinct is usually to protect yourself. If you arn't the same or think something different then people can tease you or make you feel like an outsider. Those are not things that one wants for themselves so they would obviously try to avoid those consequences at all costs. Some people will say they would stand up for what they think no matter what but if they were put into that situation it is most likely that they would lie.  If someone stands up to others to defend their beliefs they are very brave. Most people do not react the same way.
     Personally, I would probably lie to protect myself. I wish that I could say I would stand up for what I thought no matter how other people reacted to it but in reality I would probably not. The fear of being an outsider or being made fun of is very large. If I had control over myself being accepted by others I would obviously choose to be accepted rather than an outsider.  If it was something small that I would not be willing to put up a fight for I would  lie about it then. If I felt very strongly about something or if I was asked about my religon I wouldnt lie becuase things like that are important to me. And just becasue others would judge me about it I would still say what I thought. For the most part I would do everything in my power to protect myslef unless it was something I really cared about then I would just hope people accept me for my opinion.

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