Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the hands of an angry God" Post

     This video is about the sermon that terrified the people of New England. It was given by Jonathan Edwards on July 8th, 1741. The sermon  he delivered is by far the most famous one that has ever been preached. The people who he preached it to were terrified. It left many people with new thoughts and changed the way of American life forever. The sermon created a lot of controversy.  After Jonathan Edwards gave the sermon many people were very intimidated by him. It changed many people’s view and forced them to look at Christianity in a new way.
      People were obviously very scared of this sermon and effected by it.  The video led me to believe that the sermon was about the intense wrath of God and what he was capable of. Jonathan probably spoke about all about the punishments that one could receive by not acting correctly.I also think he was describing Hell to such an extent that it frightened people a great amount. He was trying to awake the people and to show them that nothing should be taken for granite. Hell was a place that they did not want to end up in. By reading this sermon in his mind he believed he was doing everyone a large favor. I think that the sermon would also include a lecture about sinners and how they deserve to go to Hell. He was probably telling the people that by sinning it would send you to Hell so they had complete control on where they would up. The sermon given by Jonathan Edwards left a large impact on the people of New England.

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